So it seems that I was averaging a blog post about once a month, but now I've gone above and beyond in my posting skills (or lack thereof) and am posting TWO months after my last post. Kudos to me, right?.....
Okay, maybe not. But trust me, if I posted every time I thought about something funny or wry or just plain ordinary, then there'd be a ton on here. Problem is I have a two year-old and unlike some "supermoms," I have yet to find a good balance between writing and taking care of him, oh and then cleaning (both the house or myself), running errands, doing something fun, yadda yadda. So, try as I might, the blog falls to the way side until a good friend points out that I haven't posted in many moons, or my own inner conscience demands that I sit down for two minutes to write something. As it is, it's 11:00pm right now and I really need to go to bed.
So, you'll have to wait until my next post to hear about Brennan's most recent funny sayings, our trip to CO, or our first trip to the ER for Brennan (don't worry there was no real damage). If you're intrigued enough, hopefully you'll come back and check to see if I've posted before August :0).
P.S. This is Brennan's "Risky Business" pose. Just like blogging seems like risky business to me the connection there? I'm grasping folks, work with me :0P
Sometimes I feel bad how much I blog, facebook, email and all that computer excess... it's like gluttony for internet. Most people are fat on the amount of bits they've consumed. I think you're probably in better shape than most, spending time on what really matters in life - reality - real people, real concerns, real interactions, REAL!
As ZoƩ gets older, my hope is to be outside as much as possible with her playing at the park or in a field with a ball or something. Riding a bike, feeling the wind, seeing the sunrise, sharing a laugh... together. REALITY. Blogs and other internet junkfood (like Facebook) are in my opinion one step away from reality. I've said all this before at some point - so now I think I'm rambling. LOL... I do that. Okay, well, love you guys all and hope you're having a good summer so far!
Great points, Rob, and ones that I can identify with considering where I'm at (having a two-year-old full-time) and where I'm going (having baby #2). I'm hoping, at sopme point, to strike a balance between my real life and my writing life - be it on the blog, facebook, or what have you. Someday. And for right now, when I think I really only have two and a half years until Brennan's off to school, I'll have tons of time after that for other things.
Trust me, you'll find yourself more and more wrapped up in your little one. As Zoe grows, it'l happen naturally and then one day you'll hear her sweet voice saying, "Daddy, will you play with me?" No one wants to be on a computer when they hear that. :0)
We love you guys and hope that you're being able to breathe a little now as things get into a routine with Zoe. We'll be there again in just four weeks - or sooner - yikes!
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