Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just Plain Sad

So yes, I've also heard the news of Heath Ledger's untimely death. When Don told me I was shocked and said how awful it was. Initially Don attributed me saying this because he was an actor. While "10 Things I Hate About You" is one of my favorite movies and I've always appreciated his acting mettle, really, it's sad because he was young, seemingly healthy, and left behind a beautiful two-year-old daughter. It's sad when anyone, actor or not, dies at such an age when life is supposed to be just beginning.

And what REALLY is sad is the following quote that I took from an MSN article:

"Outside the Manhattan building on an upscale street, paparazzi and gawkers gathered, and several police officers put up barricades to control the crowd of about 300. Onlookers craned their necks as officers brought out a black body bag on a gurney, took it across the sidewalk and put it into a medical examiner's office van.

As the door opened, bystanders snapped pictures with camera phones, rolled video and said, "He's coming out!""

This is ridiculous and disgusting. It's bad enough that paparazzi dog these people when they're alive, but to have people screaming and taking pictures as a gurney is rolled out bearing his dead body?! Get a grip! I remember my brother, who lives in this same NYC neighborhood, telling me how he saw Heath Ledger at the laundromat one day and how cool he was. This was a man, plain and simple, and to have his death denigrated and made to be some circus show is just plain sad.

I guess I should grab my camera when I head to my next funeral.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wild Kingdom

Okay, maybe my friend Heidi is rubbing off on me. We used to frequently go for walks in the mornings at Princeton along a pretty canal that ran behind our apartment buildings, both for the exercise and the fellowship (something I dearly miss). And it would never fail that at some point during our walk she'd see some woodland creature. A bird, deer, fox, snake, turtle. It was as if they came out just to say "Hi" to her. I used to call her Dancing Cloud.

So I just looked into my backyard and I was astounded by the amount of birds I saw. There were four blue jays, two woodpeckers, and - I'm not even kidding you - 30 robins. Now trust me, spring is no where near here. It's currently 18 degrees out, but it feels like 4. So why they're all flying around and chirping all over the place has got me, but it was a welcome sight and a pleasant reminder of a great friend. I believe I can call myself Running Water now.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


So I stayed up late the other night (even though I know I shouldn't have) watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It's based on a book, which I have not read, but if the movie is any indication the book must be really good. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie, it's basically about a group of four girlfriends - one of whom is named Bridget, funny! - who are going to be apart for the first time over a summer and how a pair of jeans knits them all together (pun intended :0).

Now it could be because it was late, it could be because my hormones are out of whack, but I found myself crying a few times over as I watched. When I thought about it the next day, I think what really got me was the girls' deep friendships and it made me think of how I have been immensely blessed with wonderful female friendships throughout the phases of my own life. High school, college, seminary. They all brought me friendships that I cherish to this day. And I think that has been one of the hardest things moving to Ohio - I simply miss them.

But my comfort is this. If a pair of pants can keep friends together, how much more can God keep us together - me and my friends. Our friendships are based on a foundation that will not give way. A foundation that is solid, true, and deep. So for all of my beloved friends reading this post, this is why I know that even though miles separate us, our friendships will stand the test of time. And for me, that is enough right now.

P.S. FYI, there's a "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2" coming out. Hmmm....those must be some pants. I gotta get me a pair.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year; New Look!

Well, I've decided to freshen up my blog a bit and give it a new look to celebrate this new year. A little simpler looking, a little more color, and a little more...more. Don helped me with the sidebars and other fun stuff. I'll add some more things with his assistance soon, and yes, I do plan on blogging regularly. I won't call it a New Year's resolution, let's just say I'm making some changes. :0)