Thursday, January 10, 2008


So I stayed up late the other night (even though I know I shouldn't have) watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It's based on a book, which I have not read, but if the movie is any indication the book must be really good. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie, it's basically about a group of four girlfriends - one of whom is named Bridget, funny! - who are going to be apart for the first time over a summer and how a pair of jeans knits them all together (pun intended :0).

Now it could be because it was late, it could be because my hormones are out of whack, but I found myself crying a few times over as I watched. When I thought about it the next day, I think what really got me was the girls' deep friendships and it made me think of how I have been immensely blessed with wonderful female friendships throughout the phases of my own life. High school, college, seminary. They all brought me friendships that I cherish to this day. And I think that has been one of the hardest things moving to Ohio - I simply miss them.

But my comfort is this. If a pair of pants can keep friends together, how much more can God keep us together - me and my friends. Our friendships are based on a foundation that will not give way. A foundation that is solid, true, and deep. So for all of my beloved friends reading this post, this is why I know that even though miles separate us, our friendships will stand the test of time. And for me, that is enough right now.

P.S. FYI, there's a "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2" coming out. Hmmm....those must be some pants. I gotta get me a pair.


Anonymous said...

Ha! It HAS to be the hormones...I also watched this movie the other night and found my pregnant self crying through several parts of it!! Glad to know I wasn't alone! Ditto on the girlfriend post...God has blessed me beyond measure with the girlfriends He has brought my way throughout my life.


The Rice's said...

Ladies, It's not the hormones. Melissa and I saw the movie and no one was pregnant and we cried. The movie is great but the books are even better. There are four books and I have read them all. I have book #2 if anyone wants to borrow it. It stays pretty true to the book but they have changed a few things.
Girlfriends are the best and I also feel truly blessed with my women friendships..I really liked your post, Bridgette! I consider teh two of you to be some of my biggest blessings!! Love you! Juj

The Rice's said...

Also forgot..if you go to see thh second movie it is based on book four you might want to read them all....they are also in the young adult section at the library...

jennifer said...

I haven't seen the movie, but have read all four books. They are pretty good and easy reads! How are you feeling??

Higgins said...

Hi! Nice changes to your blog. I wish I had Don around to teach me how to do all the cool things that you do on the sidebars.


Matt, Tara, Noah and Chloe said...

Bips! Love you! I'll have to check out the movie when I need a good cry :) Love the new blog and the increased frequency of your posts! Have to check back soon!
